Open Banking

What is a Virtual IBAN? Ultimate Guide for Businesses

Jekaterina Drozdovica, Senior Content Editor

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The Virtual Intern­ational Bank Account Number (vIBAN) is a modern banking solution that offers busin­esses greater flexi­bility in managing intern­ational transa­ctions. Unlike a traditional IBAN, which is assoc­iated with a physical bank account, a vIBAN is a virtual represe­ntation of an account.

Here we take a look at the meaning of a virtual IBAN in more detail, discuss its use cases and the key differences between an IBAN and a virtual IBAN.

Virtual IBAN vs IBAN

The vIBAN’s main purpose remains the same as an IBAN - to identify the sender and receiver during bank trans­fers. However, with a vIBAN, busin­esses can generate multiple IBANs connected to one bank account. This enables efficient fund segreg­ation, trans­action tracking, and simpl­ified reconci­liation, particularly for cross-border payments.

Virtual IBAN vs IBAN

Virtual vs Physical

IBANs are important for international transa­ctions as they represent a physical bank account. They ensure that funds are directed accur­ately to the intended recip­ient's account.

Virtual IBANs, on the other hand, are virtual represe­ntations of those accounts. They provide busin­esses with the ability to generate multiple IBAN numbers that are all linked to one main account.

Use Cases

IBANs are typically used for simple international transa­ctions, where money is moved from one account to another.

On the other hand, virtual IBAN accounts are beneficial for busin­esses involved in cross-border trade or handling multiple currencies. They allow busin­esses to assign specific vIBANs for clients, projects, or depart­ments, simpl­ifying fund management and facili­tating the monit­oring of financial flows.

Security and Confidentiality

When it comes to IBANs, standard security measures are in place. An IBAN serves as a unique ident­ifier for transa­ctions.

In contrast, vIBANs provide even greater security by allowing busin­esses to share only the virtual IBAN with clients or partners. This helps keep the underlying physical account information confid­ential.

Efficiency and Cost

IBANs involve traditional banking processes, which might involve fees for international transactions.

On the other hand, vIBANs simplify the management of a physical account by offering a banking solution that supports multiple curre­ncies and jurisdi­ctions. This elimi­nates the need for maintaining numerous banking relationships, reducing compl­exity and costs.

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IBAN and SWIFT play different roles in international banking. IBAN, which stands for Intern­ational Bank Account Number, is a standa­rdised format used to identify bank accounts in intern­ational transa­ctions. It ensures that funds are routed accur­ately to the intended recip­ient's account.

On the other hand, SWIFT, short for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommu­nication, is a global network that enables communication between banks for trans­action processing. While IBAN focuses on account details, SWIFT deals with bank identif­ication and communi­cation.

How does a vIBAN work?

A vIBAN functions similarly to a regular IBAN but offers more flexib­ility. It serves as a virtual represe­ntation of an account, enabling busin­esses to create multiple IBANs connected to a single primary account. A  virtual IBAN number typically follows this IBAN structure:

  • Country Code: A two-letter code identifying the country where the bank account is held.
  • Check Digit Code: Two digits ensure the accuracy of the IBAN by validating its integrity.
  • Bank Identifier Code: Alphanumeric characters representing the bank's specific details.
  • Sort Code: Often used in the UK, it identifies the bank's branch.
  • Account Number: The unique number assigned to an account holder within that bank.

IBAN number

This structure guara­ntees that funds are directed corre­ctly, whether the IBAN is virtual or linked to a physical account.

What are the Benefits of Virtual IBANS?

  • Efficient Fund Management: Allows businesses to segregate funds based on clients, projects, or departments, streamlining cash flow operations.
  • Multi-Currency Support: Facilitates cross-border payments by supporting multiple currencies without the need for separate physical accounts.
  • Enhanced Security: Offers added confidentiality by allowing businesses to share only the vIBAN, keeping the underlying physical account details private.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces account maintenance costs and offers efficient reconciliation, leading to overall financial savings.
  • Scalability: Highly adaptable, allowing businesses to generate and manage multiple vIBANs as per evolving requirements.

vIBAN and Embedded Finance Explained

Embedded finance is the smooth integ­ration of financial services into platf­orms, apps, or processes that are not inher­ently finan­cial. Virtual IBAN providers play a crucial role in this integr­ation.

The conve­nience of trans­action management offered by vIBANs aligns perfectly with the goal of embedded finance – to provide seamless and fricti­onless financial exper­iences within existing user journeys, whether it's on e-com­merce platf­orms, social media, or other digital platf­orms.

How to Use vIBANs in Business

There are multiple ways in which businesses can leverage virtual iBANs in their operations.

Global Expansion

Expanding into global markets can create financial comple­xities for companies. However, virtual IBANs offer a solution by enabling busin­esses to receive local payments, enhance cash flow, and eliminate the need for multiple bank accounts in each country.

E-com­merce and Online Market­places

Managing payments across multiple platforms can be a complex task for online busin­esses and merchants. With virtual IBANs, they can easily track and identify incoming payments from different platf­orms, allowing for strea­mlined payment management and facili­tating data analysis for informed decision-making.

Client Fund Management

Many industries, such as real estate, law, or travel, handle client funds on a regular basis. To ensure transp­arency and simplify the reconci­liation of client transa­ctions, virtual IBANs provide an efficient solution. With virtual IBANs, each client or project is assigned a unique ident­ifier, making it easier to manage and track funds.

Currency Management

Managing multiple curre­ncies can be a logis­tical headache for busin­esses. However, virtual IBANs offer a solution by allowing busin­esses to assign a unique ident­ifier to each currency. This strea­mlines the process of receiving and conve­rting funds, elimi­nating the need for separate accounts for each curre­ncy.


How can virtual IBANs help your business?

Virtual IBANs offer busin­esses increased flexi­bility in managing intern­ational transa­ctions, making reconci­liation more strea­mlined and providing support for multiple curre­ncies. They simplify payment processes, particularly in e-com­merce, enabling easier global expan­sion. Additi­onally, they enhance security by keeping under­lying account details confid­ential, while also helping busin­esses effic­iently manage client funds and reduce currency-related costs.



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