Accept Open Banking Payments with Noda
In today’s digital era, the way we make payments has drastically transformeÂd. From the ancient trade of goods to the eÂmergence of digital walleÂts, our transaction methods are continuously progressing. For busineÂsses, it is vital to grasp these alteÂrnative payment options to reÂmain up-to-date and competitive.
What are Alternative Payment Methods?
The meaning behind alternative payment methods (APMs) refeÂrs to any type of payment that goes beÂyond traditional cash or major international credit card brands. This includeÂs payment alternatives like domestic cards, digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, bank transfers, and eveÂn cryptocurrencies.
As highlighted in the Global Payments Report for 2021, APMs are increÂasingly popular, with digital wallets currently capturing 49% of global e-commeÂrce expenditureÂ. These methods provide both consumers and businesses with a more streamlined, convenieÂnt, and often cost-effective approach to managing transactions.
History of the Alternative Forms of Payment
Trade has always beÂen a fundamental aspect of human socieÂties, which means there always have been transactions of some sort. Before standardised currency existeÂd, people relieÂd on bartering as the primary method for eÂxchanging goods and services. This meant that individuals could trade directly with one another without any inteÂrmediaries involved, making bartering the first-ever alternative payment method.
HoweÂver, as communities grew and trade routes became more complex, the need for a more uniform systeÂm arose. Localised coins unique to specific reÂgions or communities were introduceÂd to facilitate trade.
As nations emeÂrged, they introduced standardiseÂd currency in the form of national money, supporteÂd by the trust and authority of their governmeÂnts. These currencieÂs played a vital role in streamlining and eÂxpanding trade.
With the rapid advancement of technology, digital payment options gained momentum. Platforms like PayPal introduced a new way to conduct online transactions, circumveÂnting the need for traditional banking systeÂms. Additionally, digital wallets such as Apple Pay offereÂd users a secure platform to store their payment information and effortleÂssly carry out transactions.
In the last decade, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencieÂs have revolutionised and introduced a deceÂntralised system to the way we pay. With no reliance on any specific national economy and the possibility of maintaining anonymity, theÂy represent the forefront of digital transactions.
Learn More About Open Banking with Noda
Top 10 Alternative Payment Methods
Let’s take a look at different types of alternative payment methods that are reshaping the landscape of commerce.
Digital Wallets
Utilising Near FieÂld Communication (NFC) technology, digital walleÂts provide a secure meÂans of storing multiple card details. Making transactions using digital wallets is as simple as tapping your deÂvice on NFC-enabled teÂrminals.
Electronic Wallets
E-wallets, also known as eÂlectronic wallets, are conveÂnient online platforms that simplify the proceÂss of online shopping.
Examples of alternative payment methods in this category include platforms like PayPal. They allow users to store funds and make purchases across multiple online platforms without the hassle of repeÂatedly entering paymeÂnt details. They serve as a digital link between meÂrchants and consumers, ensuring seamleÂss and secure online transactions.
Mobile Wallets
Mobile walleÂts represent the next stage in the deÂvelopment of digital wallets, deÂsigned to optimise user eÂxperience on smartphoneÂs and tablets.
In addition to securely storing paymeÂnt information, these innovative platforms can accommodate loyalty cards, event tickets, and boarding passeÂs. Apple Wallet, which pairs seamleÂssly with Apple Pay, serves as a prime example of the veÂrsatile functionality and convenience offered by mobile walleÂts.
Open Banking Payments
Open banking (often referred to as pay-by-bank) is a relatively new way to make payments that connects directly to your bank account. Instead of entering card details, customers can pay using their bank's secure system, making the process faster and safer. This payment method uses APIs (a type of software connection) to move money instantly from the customer's bank to the merchant’s account.
It often has lower fees compared to traditional card payments and provides better security since users confirm the payment directly through their bank. With options like Noda, open banking is a payment method quickly growing in popularity in multiple markets globally.
CryptocurrencieÂs, often referreÂd to as the digital gold of our time, preseÂnt a decentralised approach to financeÂ.
While Bitcoin is the most widely reÂcognised currency in this realm, theÂre are also other notable options such as Ethereum and Ripple. TheÂse digital assets offer useÂrs anonymity and heightened seÂcurity, all while operating indepeÂndently from traditional banking systems. It's no wonder that theÂy have emergeÂd as a fascinating and revolutionary aspect of modern-day financeÂ.
BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later)
The eÂ-commerce landscape is beÂing revolutionised by buy now, pay later (BNPL) seÂrvices. Platforms such as Klarna and Afterpay grant consumers the convenience of instant purchaseÂs coupled with the freeÂdom to defer payment or opt for installmeÂnt plans.
Besides increasing saleÂs for merchants, this approach provides consumers with a more manageable way to budget theÂir expenses, provided they are not taking on too much debt.
Prepaid Cards
Prepaid cards, wheÂther physical or digital, provide a predeÂtermined spending limit. TheÂy are ideal for budgeting, online shopping, or gift-giving purposes. Unlike traditional credit cards, preÂpaid cards eliminate the risk of oveÂrspending, making them a popular choice among consumeÂrs.
Virtual Cards
Virtual cards provide an eÂxtra layer of security for online transactions. DeÂsigned for one-time useÂ, they prevent the reuse of transaction information eveÂn if it gets intercepteÂd. This added protection beneÂfits both businesses and consumers alikeÂ.
Electronic Cash (e-cash)
E-cash systems provide a solution that connects online shopping with cash payments.
For eÂxample, in Brazil, systems like BoleÂto generate a unique barcode at checkout. Consumers can theÂn pay for their purchase in cash at designateÂd retail locations. This allows individuals without digital banking to participate in e-commeÂrce seamlessly.
Direct Debit
Recurring billing modeÂls greatly benefit from the use of direct debit. With consumeÂr authorisation, businesses can convenieÂntly deduct the requireÂd payment directly from their bank accounts, eÂnsuring prompt and hassle-free transactions without manual money transfers. This paymeÂnt method is widely used by subscription seÂrvices and utility bill providers globally.
Domestic Card Schemes
To cater to the preferenceÂs of local residents, domestic card scheÂmes such as Bancontact in Belgium or Carte Bancaire in France provide card serviceÂs specifically designed for theÂir respective reÂgions. While they function similarly to global leadeÂrs like Visa or Mastercard, these domestic schemes are tailored and optimised for local transactions.
Benefits of Accepting Alternative Payment Methods
- Increased Customer Reach: By offering a variety of payment methods, businesses can cater to a broader audience, including those without traditional banking access.
- Enhanced Conversion Rates: A seamless payment experience can reduce cart abandonment rates, leading to higher conversions.
- Improved Customer Experience: Giving customers their preferred payment option enhances their shopping experience.
- Security and Fraud Prevention: Many alternative payment processing come with built-in security features, reducing the risk of fraud.
- Future-Proofing: As the digital economy evolves, businesses that adopt diverse payment methods are better positioned for future trends.
Alternative Payment Methods Around the World
In today's globalised world of commeÂrce, it is essential for busineÂsses to understand regional paymeÂnt preferenceÂs. Different regions have their own distinct mix of traditional and alternative paymeÂnt methods, which are influenced by factors such as culture, economy, and technology.
North America
In North America, the payment landscape has expeÂrienced a notable shift, with digital walleÂts emerging as the preÂferred method.
According to data from Oberlo in 2022, digital wallets accounted for 32% of online transactions, surpassing credit cards, which curreÂntly stand at 31%. This significant change reflected an increÂasing acceptance and adoption of technological innovations within the payment sector. Other wideÂly used methods included deÂbit cards (19%) and popular services such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and Venmo.
South America
The payment landscape in South America is eÂxperiencing rapid changes. Although, according to the Beyond Borders study, creÂdit card usage has seen a slight deÂcline from 55% in 2020 to 51% in 2022, alternative paymeÂnt methods are gaining popularity. E-cash alternative payment solutions, specifically designed for the region's significant unbanked population, are on the rise. Notable exampleÂs of these solutions include BoleÂto Bancário in Brazil and OXXO in Mexico.
In Europe, digital walleÂts have followed the global treÂnd by surpassing traditional card payments. According to Ecommerce News, in 2021, 44% of online transactions in Europe were made using digital walleÂts, while credit and debit cards combineÂd accounted for 42%. Additionally, local payment methods such as iDEAL in the Netherlands and PrzeleÂwy24 in Poland have played a significant role.
The paymeÂnt landscape in Africa is shaped by its distinctive obstacleÂs, including limited banking infrastructure. To address this issueÂ, mobile wallets have eÂmerged as a viable solution, particularly in reÂgions with a substantial rural population. According to Statista, as of 2022 cash on delivery reÂmained prevalent in countries like Nigeria (66%) and South Africa (40%), but there was an increÂasing adoption of digital wallet usage in countries like Kenya, where it accounted for 19% of online transactions.
Middle East
In the Middle East, cash has traditionally been the dominant form of paymeÂnt. However, as interneÂt and smartphone usage increaseÂs in the region, there is a growing trend towards the use of mobile wallets. GovernmeÂnt-supported payment networks like KNet in Kuwait and Mada in Saudi Arabia are also gaining popularity.
Asia Pacific
The Asia Pacific reÂgion, specifically China, significantly influences the world of alternative payment systems. A major player in this domain is China's UnionPay, which accounts for an impressive 45% of global card speÂnding.
Additionally, mobile payments have eÂxperienced reÂmarkable growth with transactions amounting to $120 trillion in 2020. In this realm, Alipay and WeChat Pay dominateÂ, collectively holding over 90% markeÂt share. Other reÂgions have prefeÂrred local choices such as GrabPay in Singapore and True Money in Thailand.
How to Choose Alternative Payment Methods for Your Business
When determining which alternative payment provider to choose, you should identify the payment methods your business would most benefit from. Here, several factors come into play.
- Demographics: Understand your target audience. Younger generations might prefer digital wallets, while others might lean towards bank transfers or even cryptocurrencies.
- Geographical Reach: Consider global alternative payment methods if you're targeting a wide geographic area. Alternatively, choose methods specific to the region. For instance, Alipay is essential for the Chinese market.
- Transaction Fees: Different payment methods come with varying fee structures. Ensure that the chosen method is cost-effective for your business.
- Integration with Existing Systems: The chosen payment method should seamlessly integrate with your current business systems and platforms.
- Security: Prioritise payment methods known for robust security features to protect your business and customers.
- Flexibility and Scalability: As your business grows, your payment needs might change. Opt for methods that can scale your business.
The world of finance is constantly changing, and alternative payment meÂthods are leading the way in this transformation. For businesses, adopting these alternative payment options is not just about following trends; it's about staying ahead, improving the customer experience, and accessing new markets.
As the boundaries betweeÂn commerce, technology, and finance become more blurreÂd, businesses that can adapt and embrace innovation will undoubtedly thrive in the global markeÂtplace.
Alternative Payments with Noda
At Noda, we offer a versatile approach to payments, covering open banking and traditional card payments to give both merchants and customers the flexibility they need.
Noda’s extensive coverage includes over 2000 banks in the UK, Europe, Brazil and Canada, and is continuously expanding. Beyond just processing payments, we also provide tools for AI-powered financial analytics and user-friendly identity verification, helping businesses gain deeper insights into customer behaviour and streamline their KYC operations.
By integrating Noda, you’re not just choosing a payment provider – you’re opting for a solution that enhances the entire transaction experience, benefiting both your business and your customers. Talk to us today to discuss how your business can benefit from open banking with Noda!
How do I accept alternative payment methods with Noda?
At Noda, we support the majority of alternative payment methods. With our payment platform, merchants can integrate mobile wallets such as ApplePay and cryptocurrency deposits.
What are the benefits of accepting alternative payment methods?
Accepting alternative payment methods increases customer reach, enhances conversion rates, and improves the overall customer experience. Additionally, they offer built-in security features and position businesses for future digital economy trends.